Dr. Mark K. Setter discusses the benefits of the CS 9300:

“For me, the biggest advantage of the CS 9300 system is that it has a number of options in field of view. Rather than taking an image from ear to ear, like a panograph, the CS 9300 allows me to limit the field of exposure to only my area of interest, which reduces patient exposure to X-ray energy and doesn’t expose the tissue to unnecessary radiation if it’s not involved in my study. In addition, having the option to limit my field of view means I can obtain images with higher clarity. The CS 9300 is excellent in that regard over many similarly priced cone beam CT systems on the market.

I also find the reporting capabilities to be a huge benefit to my work. Being able to create reports for my referrals based on individual images and add my office logo and notations to the report is very easy to do. I am able to do it on the fly, without having to dedicate time to do reports—this is very powerful to me as a dental specialist. Even packaging up the DICOM files to send with a patient who is moving out of the area is just a couple of mouse clicks away. We just copy the data to a memory device or CD and send it to the future dentist, with no real effort on our part. These are among the numerous advantages I see in the CS 9300.”

-Mark K. Setter, D.D.D, M.S.